Monday, November 24, 2008

NAPS, better stated as a lack thereof

My child out and out refuses napping.  She acts like she may miss out on something - really, Bitty cleaning the house and washing your nasty nappies is not that great, certainly I would rather be napping!  When she does nap the average "nap" length is 30 minutes.  Any mamas with helpful suggestions out there?  I could use a few.


Brian and Staci said...

valium? shot of whiskey? tylenol pm? Those all work for me! :) Oh do my suggestions not count cause I am not a mom? Does being a stay at home dog-mom count?

Stephanie V said...

He, he!! I heard Benadryl works, too!!! Sorry to hear of your "napless bitty" woes... That would be totally frustrating... I got nothin' on the mama front as far as giving advice, though...good thing you're goin' through this first, so I can come knockin' on your door when I go through the same thing down the road! :)

Martinez Family said...

Well, we went through the same thing. Up until about a year she took a couple little naps during the day but now has worked up to one that lasts anywhere from 2 to 4 hours. All I can suggest is to try to keep her on a schedule. It really helped with Aniston.

Good luck mommy!

riggs family said...

A schedule, try and have the same routine before nap time, and at the same time everyday. Plus let her cry it out a little. It never hurt to let them cry for a few minutes to see if they'll settle themselves back down. Every kid is different, keep trying you'll find out what works for you. Good luck!!!