Saturday, March 5, 2011

Oh mama...

Seriously, yuck. I hope you can make it through my complaining...

Adelaide was up last night puking (which means I was up all night), then she had the runs today and didn't make it to the toilet. Nasty cough accompanies these other fabulous symptoms, the "i've been smokin' two packs a day for 15 years" kinda cough.

LindyJean, for two nights running, has been feeling awful and tonight ran a fever of 104.4. Accompanied by zero other symptoms. I have NO idea what is wrong with her. None. Which is unsettling for a know-it-all.

Now Eric is claiming he is coming down with something. He suffers from whiniest, most pathetic sick husband syndrome. FUN!!!

And all this just after getting over multiple bouts of pinkeye for me and the girls and the nastiest upper respiratory/sinus infection I have ever battled. Have I mentioned that life is entirely too busy for us to be plagued by all this grody sickness? In all seriousness, who has time for this garbage? Is anyone else experiencing the ill-health this winter?

I am ready, ready, READY for spring. The time has arrived for sunshine, garden planting, long walks without 40 layers of clothing, and the general good cheer that seems to coexist with Spring and Summer.

P.S. Aunty Staci - I need some photo motivation. I don't believe that I've snapped a shot of anything for even a week. In fact, I don't think I know where my camera is right now. You or Jonda must post something inspirational immediately. And what happened to "Tell all Tuesday" this week? I was terribly bummed when it didn't show up.

Good News, went to see the midwife and we figured that I am 11 weeks pregnant. I got through the first 1/4 of this pregnancy without hardly knowing it. Great! No morning sickness this go round either. Official due date seems to be something like September 28. If we go with the trend, we'll have a baby somewhere between October 2-4. Another home birth it is!

Since I've not ben taking pictures, here's a photo to commemorate all my whining - Adelaide, December 2008.


cderner said...

So cute! Our little guy recently mastered the art of the sad face.
Another cute little Stagg to add to the family! Congratulations!

Lori O. said...

You just post all the whinning you want, i just love hearing from you in any form .... Our new word for the day will be Powhinnisting Post/whinning which will be a totally acceptable form of writing style. Lets hope the girls get well soon and we can open our windows again !!!! For Bitty its rice and bannanas.

Kara Nicole said...

I think Eric and Russ have the same syndrome! I hope everyone feels better soon! Seems to be the winter everyone is getting sick :(

The Johnsons said...

Yuck! You poor sickos. Hope the bugs skip town soon and your spring begins!

Andrea Elliott said...

First, that last picture is just WAY too cute! Second, I am sadly going through the same bouts of sickness with my little one! So stressful when you don't know what to do to 'fix it!' Will keep you in our prayers though!

Jeff and Emily said...

Sorry to hear you are all still being put through the ringer! Hasn't his year just been horrible?? I hope you all get feeling better soon. I love the picture of Bitty, she was (is) such a cutie!