Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February... lame

I have no idea what happened in February.  None.  Below are the two pictures in iPhoto from the month.  Yikes. March is replete with photos... February is sadly, completely lacking any pictures.
Bitty's favored spot for viewing the tele.


Sorry LindyJean, you're getting the short end of the stick again.  She really will suffer from middle child syndrome, poor girl.

Monday, February 6, 2012

24 hours in a day... (repost & update)

(REPOST & UPDATE: I am trying to catch us up... only time will tell if I succeed. If you look back now, you'll see posting from November through February.)

I've not posted since early November, not for lack of desire mind you, but lack of time.  There are only 24 hours in a day and I haven't any of those to spare for FB or blogging right now.  This year will be spotty for blogging, so check for updates here and there, but please don't hold your breath (Because I like you and don't want you to expire!).

We are doing well.  It's just chaos to have this many little people in this age range.  Plus, I can't seem give up my culinary habits... everything is still from scratch, I'm making bread, and cleaning up after myself in the kitchen is exhausting.

After interviewing a few craniofacial teams and their hospitals we have decided on Seattle Children's Hospital and they scheduled the little guy for July 31st.  They are an incredible group of medical professionals and we were most impressed with them.  Although, the slightest thought of the thing and I feel like I might vomit.  It is a small thing in comparison to what a lot of other children and parents endure, but a surgeon is going to take my baby, put him under general anesthesia, carve his mouth up and then sew it back together.  It's a bit much for me.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Family Photos

Staci, gracious as ever, volunteered to do family photos for us.  We took these the firsts of November, I had all but forgotten about them.  Some are cute, some are a testament to the degree of difficulty in photographing little people. 

Really love this one, Miss Bitty has been an exceptional big sister to GW.  She is always helpful where he is concerned and loves to LOVE him.  The other day she told me that she didn't want him to have his operation because he was just "too tiny and it will be way too scary for him.  Is it going to hurt?"

While LindyJean was difficult because of her age (they just don't follow directions well), Adelaide ended up being a complete pill and eventually refused to pose for pictures. 

This kids mug gets me every time!
I think that these photos would have turned out real nifty, but by this time Adelaide was in full on willful disobedience mode and we had to pack it in.  Maybe next year...
Thanks Staci!