Wednesday, January 28, 2009

... bored...

Mom wrote me an email to tell me she was bored with the pictures on our blog and that I needed to update... you can tell when it's late January, early February - she gets incredibly bored with everything and completely antsy.  Mom finds the weather at this time of year absolutely deplorable and she can't wait for March to arrive. But then, who doesn't feel like that this time of year?

Aunty Staci as a baby.  The likeness to Bitty is uncanny.
What a mug, huh?

Eric is tickling Bitty's ear with the blankie and she thinks it's pretty hilarious.
We've been watching The Sopranos, which aside from the filthy language is a great show. They eat A LOT of pasta (and other Italian goodies) and Eric loves Italian.  Needless to say, I have been serving up a lot of that style lately.  Here are the best darn rolls you may ever eat: Parmesan pull-aparts.  We had them with a minestrone style soup and they were fabulous.  If anyone wants the recipe, they are simple to make and beyond yummy.

Put away your stinkin' camera - I am tired of posing for you lady.

She looks so mischievous in this shot. 

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dr Jekyll & Ms Hyde

From happy as a clam

to I just might poke your eye out with this spoon
and back, all within about 30 seconds!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bitty Gourmet

Is that all I am to you, a tax deduction?  How did I get stuck with these jerks?  The hospital staff must have let me go home with the wrong couple!

A special thank you to Cousin Russ for our favorite bib.  I can't wait to send this photo to our accountant. :)

Mmmmmm... food!  Bitty is eating solids and is a hungry little birdy.  She has refused nothing yet and so far she has sampled avocado, banana, sugar snap peas, sweet potato, carrot, applesauce, butternut squash, rice cereal, and oatmeal.  I've been making it all and it really is a snap.  She is a good eater and loves everything.  It is fun to watch her squeal at Daddy when he doesn't shovel it in fast enough.
Just couldn't resist posting this bath photo.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Naptime saga

Holy cow!  We have a near miracle - Bitty is currently sleeping in her stroller and has been doing so since 12:10 (it is now 2:05); a record long nap.  Bitty is the worst napper in the history of nappers and she NEVER sleeps that long.  

Most sincerely, they are never more precious than when they are asleep. Look at her cherub face, so sweet.

Here she is earlier today, not napping, but instead playing with Suzie.  She lays in her crib and after she cries for a while she will sleep for exactly 30 minutes (I mean to the minute, folks!). Then she wakes up, tries to chew off Suzie's ears, and all while she giggles, coos, squeals, and makes other oddball noises until I decide to 'rescue' her.  This routine has been going on daily for 5-6 weeks.  All day long, awake for two hours, sleeps for 30 minutes.  It is quite strange.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

We still love you Atila...

Have you seen the bumper sticker that says "Dearest Lord - please let me be the person that my dog thinks I am."?  I would be an angel sent from heaven or Atila used to love me so...
My dog has felt sorely neglected since the day Adelaide arrived.  The poor animal must receive one fifth of the attention I used to shower on him.  I hope he forgives me.
Staci Jean complains that there are never any photos of me... there are a number of reasons for that.  First and foremost, I am horrendously unphotogenic - snapping a nice photo of me is an act of God.  Seriously.  Also, until Eric's parents generously gifted us a beautiful Nikon for Christmas this year, we had this total crap camera that Eric refused to touch.  Below is a picture of me that I am willing to publicize.  

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Post Holiday Update

   Here it is, Sunday night, after a seemingly long holiday.  Eric took vacation time from the 24th until today (January 4) and I have not had much time for posting as I had two babies to take care of full time.  I really do believe that there is a lot of truth in the statements women make when they speak of the 'kids' they care for- their children and their husband.  One of Eric's favorite songs by the prodigious Guy Clark sums it up very nicely, "The only difference between the men and the boys, is the size of their feet and the price of their toys..."
   In all seriousness, it has been great to have Eric at home for an extended period of time.  He never gets time off and we just stayed at home and enjoyed ourselves.  We also began a horribly necessary diet!  The six days at my parents was mostly spent feasting on my grandmother's delectable cookies and a whole host of other incredibly fattening fare.  Upon returning home to the realization that the month and half's work that I had put into removing some of pregnancy's damage could be not only halted, but reversed in a mere week left me rather distressed.  So, it's back on the healthy wagon.  Eric has also suffered from holiday gluttony and is being subjected to far more vegetables and salads than he'd prefer.  Too bad.

PHOTOS: below are a few favorites from December 23-26.  I will post more after I sort through the five gadrillion that I need to upload.

Here is Adelaide with her new acquaintance, Miss Brynlee.  I was very fortunate to have had the opportunity to receive a visit from a childhood friend, whom I have not seen in a very long time.  It was lovely to chat and her kid is beyond adorable.  

Bitty in her new snowsuit, propped up by a snow bank and loving it!
Aunty Staci, JoMama, & Bitty enjoying our white Christmas... rather fitting that the baby's first Christmas be so blustery.  Hoorah for snow and lots of it!

Ta Ta For Now!