Friday, June 17, 2011


Of course, it was overcast, cold, and rainy on Saturday for our zoo trip. Boo! However, the yucky weather translated to the zoo NOT being crowded... every cloud has its silver lining.

Rob, Brooke, & LindyJean... zoo or bust!

These series of photos crack me up... as I am snapping away, grumpy pants is mumbling something like, "Turn off the damn camera, I am tired of you taking pictures - like our blog followers haven't seen an elephant or a penguin before?"

The obligatory smile after I tell him, "You had better smile or I am going to kick you!"

Genuine smile, hooray!

The girls feeding the birdies.

Everyone had to push the stroller, LindyJean is lucky they didn't turn her over on her head.

Adelaide and I... not sure what we were looking at. Don't you love our rain matted do's?

Bitty & Brooke in a cage of their own.


Brian and Staci said...

I think Bitty needs a cage at home that way you can cage her up when she's all crazy! :) Yes rain matted do's are wonderful, i think you should go for that look.

Kara said...

Hilarious picture/story of Eric! I literally laughed out loud while reading it and everyone had to know what was so funny! I bet the animals were easier to see in the cooler weather. Yay for the zoo!

Grandma LoLo said...

Any day is a great day at the zoo, one of my favorite places to go. Everyone always poops out before me.

The Johnsons said...

Eric's smile saga is classic. Glad to see some photos of you, too!