Monday, December 19, 2011

December Bdays and more

... Continuing the holiday schmorgy. 

Sometimes you wonder, is there room for another baby in our hearts? However, each time I've had one they've been easier to love than the previous.  It's God master plan for procreation, otherwise you'd be insane and really resentful of each additional child! I love this kid.  He just gets funnier everyday.

I have a photo of each and every one of the babies like this, if I had time, I'd dig them out for comparison.  For now, you'll have to be satisfied with this little portrait of father & son reading the newspaper.
Bitty, 3 months

LindyJean, 3.5 months

Adelaide is an incredibly helpful and reliable big sister.  She's been my little errand maid and "5 minute sitter."

Our friends Maggie and Amelia share the same birthday, December 19 and we attended both soirees. 

Maggie had a roller rink 5th bday party.  I had not been on roller skates in 500 years, but went for it and had lots of fun.

Adelaide LOVED it.  She stayed out on the rink the whole time, she wasn't even interested in cake hardly.  

Amelia had an awesome birthday schmorgy provided by her Grandpa Jack and after we made gluttons of ourselves with the main course, Abril busted out the chocolate cover marshmallows.  The girls were well occupied for sometime.

Our Stagg Christmas dinner was a hit and Eric's parents gave exceptional and creative gifts (I told everyone NO TOYS, so they had to think outside the box and did marvelous).  Thanks to Gammy and Papa!


Jeff and Emily said...

Love the pictures! So glad to see you guys, everyone looks so beautiful and happy, life is treating you all well :) I have to know, what were the creative non-toy gifts??

Grandma LoLo said...

Adelaide looks like a natural at the roller skating with that pose. She is becoming one pretty girl.