Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Random visit to Aunty Staci's...

Whenever I go home, it seems its always centered around my parents place.  Bitty informed me that she wanted to do an Aunty Staci sleepover, where we would "sew, make & eat cupcakes, craft, and maybe do some more fun stuff."  Aunty Staci, Activities Czar, did not let Miss Adelaide down in the least.  It was two FULL days.
Here we are at Payton's... wrecking Ashley's (Payton's Mama) house, but looking fine doing it!

Sewing, check! 

Cupcake making and eating, CHECK!!!

Trying to frost cupcakes without LJ consuming half of your work is very difficult.

Serious Boss is pleasantly and surprisingly silly with little people.

Here the girls and Boss are taking MadDog for a bit of a stroll.

Gunnar and Aunty Staci.

Getting crafty, check!

The girls painted these plates (at the Art Garden) and then we wrote their names on them, LindyJean's is red and orange and Bitty's is green with a touch of pink.  They eat almost all their meals on them and turn into complete crabpots at the table if they are not clean and available.  Particular little buggers.

Thanks Aunty Staci for a lovely couple of days.  We adore you... lots.

1 comment:

Jeff and Emily said...

I am so jealous how close you two live together! My Sis is way too far away :( Looks like you guys had a great time, the pottery place looks really cool. And I love the bags you made!