Sunday, January 23, 2011

Rituals, routines, & schedules

Children love them; routines, rituals, & schedules! Anyone who wants to argue, I am solidly convinced, is either an idiot or simply ignorant. Part of our Friday routine...

Every Friday is storytime for the 2 & under age group at our local public library. Adelaide loves the library and finds storytime very amusing. It's also a good time for mamas to visit, so this Mama is happy oblige Bitty's insistent requests that we attend. Also, we get new books for the week as I can only handle reading the same thing for so long.

Emily & Johanna sent us some cute headbands and hats and Bitty insisted on wearing hers to storytime. She thought it would "... look just lovely, Fancy Nancy would like it Mama!"

Kolleen here is our storytime hostess and she loves to do it and the kids are ardent admirers. She tells a mean story, sings really silly songs, and even starts the session with bubbles.

LindyJean, Bitty, Violet, and Holly (Holly is my good friend and walking companion). Bitty is obviously jazzed 'bout her iridescent floating friends.

LindyJean is always absorbed in the storytime rituals and behaves herself quite nicely when we go.


Kara said...

I completely agree! I just posted abut how Nathan is working on getting into his daytime routine. I love story time! Yours looks like a lot of fun!

Martinez Family said...

We are big on routines too. It makes bedtime and getting her ready and out the door in the morning on time SO much easier.

Brian and Staci said...


Jeff and Emily said...

So cute in the hat I love it! I agree, routines help out for sure. Right now I think it's helping me out more than the little one :) Your story time looks fantastic!

Lori O. said...

Lindy Jean is such a big girl at play group....growing up so fast .
Give them lots of huggies from CO.