Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Aunty Staci came for a visit and we headed out to visit our local Alpaca Ranch, Sagebluff Alpacas.

They were recently shorn as it is beginning to get warm, these animals originate in the Andes Mountains in Peru. 

Gunnar and Baby Alpaca, known as a cria.
Stagglets, JoMama, & Aunty Staci!

Grain snacks/treats entice the Alpaca to draw near.  They are naturally curious but somewhat timid and need coaxing to get them to sidle up to you.

In their usual fashion, Bitty was a scaredy cat and would not feed them, LindyJean did so with no trepidation, and Gunnar spent most of his time throwing the grain at them.

We adjourned to the house for some lunch and cake as it was the day before LJ's birthday!

We returned on Saturday to the Alpacas, they were hosting "Nearly Naked Alpaca Day," an opportunity to learn about Alpaca fiber, how it's spun into usable yard, and a barn full of finished products.  Here are the Stagglets watching a gal comb and spin Alpaca fiber.

Spinning more fiber.

Hiding under the cookie and lemonade table, waiting on scraps I'm sure!

1 comment:

Grandma LoLo said...

The pic of the kids under the table is cute, Gunnar is such a handsome boy can't wait to see him grow.