Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dana & Salome come for a visit.

Hello friend.

Yesterday, Dana and Miss Salome came to Prosser for a day trip.  Salome is 5 1/2 months and has the most beautiful brown, 'doe eyes' you've ever seen.  She makes lots of very sweet little squeaks and squawks.  Dana and I had a chance to catch up and the babies were surprisingly interested in one another.  It was 72 and sunny and we spent a good chunk of the afternoon lounging on a blankie in the front lawn.

Playing nicely.

Hey baby!

What an imp!  She looks as though she might bite if you got too close.  This may be directly after she poked our guest in the eye...  


Brian and Staci said...

Oh play cute! She does resemble a dog in the last picture...a cute dog of course!

JoMama said...

A dog?!?!?!?! You're fired as Aunty!

Brian and Staci said...

not saying she looks like a dog, more like- the way she is posing is like a dog ready to pounce with a little snarl...nevermind! I should have deleted that comment...

Kimmer said...

Hi Jolene! I just looked through your blog and your little girl is so cute! And I must ask, how do you find time to do so much "from scratch" cooking with a little one around? I admire you! What is your little girl's name? I see Bitty everywhere, but I'm assuming that's a nickname? Fun to catch up on your life!

Jeff and Emily said...

aww they look like they are going to be great friends! Oh! Sweatshirt update! (I haven't forgotten!!) We were up in Fort Collins last weekend and we went to NB specifically to get your goods...and they weren't open! Don't you worry though, you will get it I promise!