Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Aunty Staci was playing with Bitty after we had given her entirely too much ice cream (after eating a huge dinner), which was like crack cocaine - highly addictive and gave her an insane sugar high. She was running around like a wild monkey. Anywho, she got so excited she puked on Staci. Ummmm, gross. No wonder Aunty Staci is not likely to procreate anytime soon. But, I digress, Adelaide has really randomly begun talking about things that she remembers from days or weeks earlier. This evening at dinner she began chattering about "pook, Taci, Bitty pook Taci mama!" It was so stinkin' funny. :)


Lori O. said...

Wow, I can't believe her vocab. Where did all that personality come from?

Lori O. said...
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Lori O. said...
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The MK Crew said...

She has the cutest little voice! And what a "fun" memory for everyone, especially Staci! I saw your prego pics on Staci's blog and love them! You look great!

Jeff and Emily said...

This video made my day! Poor Aunt Staci!