Wednesday, September 15, 2010


When LindyJean was first born, she really looked just like Adelaide. Now she is beginning to look like herself but still bears a striking resemblance to her sister. Below are two photos; one is Bitty, the other the ButterBean and their profiles are nearly identical. I went through Bitty's baby photos and they really look a lot alike.


Adelaide. I managed to snap nearly the same photo of them with my Pa.

She loves to smile and coo. Staci took these two photos!


Brian and Staci said...

wowza...your right their profiles are identical! :) I love those two pics of lindyjean...she looks sooo happy!

The Johnsons said...

I, too, love the grinning shots of LJ! Those girls are peas in a pod profile-wise. Time will tell if their personalities are also so similar. If so, brace yourself! :-)

Jeff and Emily said...

holy smokes! I thought it was the same child!

Rie said...

LindyJean has such a lovely smile!! Beautiful girls! :)