Trying to get children under the age of three to pose for a photo is near impossible - below is as holding still as we were able to manage. LindyJean is an escape artist and Bitty refused to smile. Notice the older girls smiling, being cooperative, and generally lovely!
Nataley, Alayna, & Bitty are enjoying their after meal treats and one another's company. The girls were here for a week long visit to Eric's parents and got a lot of time with Bitty. She loved it and they thought she was a kick in the pants.
Apparently, at the ages of 7 and 9 the novelty of blowing bubbles still has not worn off... hooray! Who am I kidding, I am thirty and still find them nifty.
We don't see them often and it was a very nice visit. They are good kids; well-mannered and patient with the little ones. Bitty speaks of her cousins, "The little one and the Big one" (not sure why she began calling them that, but the "little one (Nataley)" is not fond of the moniker), very regular and it makes me wish we lived closer and that Staci & Boss would hurry up and procreate so my kids have someone to play with. :)
Lookin' good, Jo! Hope you're feeling well and are officially ready for a new arrival.
Im choosing to ignore the comment about procreating...
The first picture is my favorite. It's so...real! Cousins are the best! I wish we were all closer too so they could all see each other more. You guys are always doing something fun! And I agree, bubbles are always a hit!
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