Adelaide Louise is 6 months old today!!! Holy cow, it feels like yesterday & 10 years have past - does anyone know what I mean by that? Quite honestly, I don't clearly recollect our lives before her.
We just returned from her "well baby" check up. At her last appointment at 4 months of age she only weighed 11 lbs 4 oz! I was very worried because she was so small, turns out she is just a midget (it would appear that Bitty is an approp
riate nickname, huh?). Today she weighed in at 13 lbs 10 oz. Still very tiny for her age, but that is good weight gain. In comparison (which they say your not supposed to do, but who can help themselves?), our next door neighbor, baby Jacob, who is 3 months old today, already is about 15 lbs and is huge compared to Bitty. He is the kind of chubby baby that everyone adores, in addition to the fact that he is Mister Smiley Charmer. I'll have to get a picture of him and his sister Elizabeth for the blog.
Here are photos from the last 6 months... she has changed so much! Non-C-section babies need some time to get cute after being squished through the birth canal. Thankfully, Bitty got cute after a month or so. :)
August 8
August 10
August 16
September 5
September 28
November 12
February 9