Friday, July 17, 2009

Weekend Diversions

Adelaide very excited about her Dad's wild range of fart noises. Certainly, she'll be such a well-mannered and lovely little lady, all lead by her father's sterling example (the pinnacle of decorum).

Phil & Terri on their visit to Washington. This is the only photo I got of the two of them. Oops... I was busy making Ciabatta, Chimichurri, and the rest of dinner.

Yum, Rice Krispies.

This carrot was plucked from the garden. We named her Francine. I told Eric that if he doesn't shape up, he'll be sleeping with her, not me! (This is as good as a "Butt-cherry", huh Stace?!?!)


Kara said...

That is one crazy carrot! What kind of a garden are you tending up there?! Love the first picture of her laughing! She looks so hysterical!

Lori O. said...

Have no idea what you were fixin but sounds wonderful. I am sure it was tasty.We do the simple BBQ hamburger Ha!!