Friday, May 21, 2010

Stanley, Nana, & Bitty

Mom had a horsey show this last weekend when we visited. Adelaide and I drove over to visit. The Bitty was enthralled.

Nana & Bitty

This is Dillin, MaryJo's horse. Mom is trying to hold Bitty and the horse and failing miserably.

Here we are at Nana's trailer. Bitty is thoroughly enjoying herself.


Kara said...

Again, I am loving her pigtails! They are too perfect. What a great place for Adelaide to visit her nana.

The Johnsons said...

I, too, love the pigtails. They capture the essence of scampy!

Lori O. said...

Everyday is fun for Adelaide, I want to be Adelaide. Nana will have her riding in no time.