Friday, May 28, 2010

Stagglet Update

Well... I have been feeling (and looking as those of you who've seen me recently know) VERY pregnant as of late and have been ordered by my midwife & hubby to take it easy. Advice that I did indeed follow in the last week and I feel so much better. I was sore, real cranky, and exhausted. As a result of not trying to cram so much in, I have nothing to post and no pictures. All that I have done is play with Bitty, laundry, cook, and take naps. This weekend, I will try to get Eric to take some belly photos.

The weather this May has been absolute crap. It has rained everyday here for two weeks straight and the temp hasn't really risen above 65. My garden is at a standstill, everything is wet, and I think we might start molding if the sun & heat doesn't show itself soon. Eastern Washington, classified as an arid desert, seems to have joined the gray, rainy ranks of the Seattle area. YUCK. However, it has been conducive to staying inside, relaxing, and snuggling up for naptime!

Kristin (the midwife) came for a visit yesterday. She said that I have dropped, but the Stagglet has not yet engaged in my pelvis. I am having TONS of Braxton-Hicks contractions and a few real contractions as well, but nothing that makes me think I'll kick into labor immediately. What do I know? But, I don't think it will happen for another week, at the very least. I'll keep you posted!


Brian and Staci said...

can I get a "what what" for the stagglett!

Lori O. said...

Awaiting my next post, that says its a ------ Good luck and do try to hang loose.

sarah fuccillo photography said...

can't wait to see pictures!!!!! i'm dying to know what it is! names yet?

The Johnsons said...

We are eager to hear! Hang in there, Jo, you're nearly done!

Kara said...

I can't believe it's almost time! Take care. We love you!

Jeff and Emily said...

Hope you are doing well! We are thinking of you!!

riggs family said...

the waiting game. I am not very patient and that always proved difficult for me. Good luck, enjoy those naps!