Sunday, March 13, 2011


As the Mama, I am completely entitled to, not only believe, but publicly state that my baby is the cutest baby on Earth. Isn't she? I had to buy some bibs that she cannot remove because her favorite game is to rip off a bib, giggle, and throw it on the floor. As she cannot eat without smearing food absolutely everywhere, a bib is essential. Bumkins makes the BEST bibs EVER.

Just as Adelaide was, Miss LindyJean loves the doggy's water bowl. She doesn't crawl, but she does scoot herself anywhere she wants to go. Eric put her in the box so she couldn't wreak any havoc while I was sorting out dinner.

As you well know, we have been ill and quarantined in the Stagg household. The other night we finished dinner and I told Bitty to run around with her Dad and entertain herself while I cleaned up. She told Eric, "Let's snuggle and take a rest." Here they are while I tirelessly slave in the kitchen... barefoot and pregnant ya'll!!!

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