Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Aunty Lolo's

We spent a week in Colorado with the Boufford Clan (my mom's family) as Cousin Jeffrey was wedded on New Year's Eve to the lovely Emily. I am going to overshare and post entirely too many photos of the trip - it was too much fun to leave anything out!

Sweet 3-D glasses in preparation for AVATAR. Cousin Monica, me, Stace.

A good chunk of the family admiring the buffalo... Adelaide would not stop mooing at them. My good Lord, I look pregnant!

Aunty Lolo (mom's younger sister) and Tyler (cousin Russ & Kara's way cute kid).

Russ must have won this rousing round of Wii... a lot of which was played in the downtime. Cousin Russ & BOSS (aka Brian Faw)

Bitty is sliding down a steep set of stairs on a slippery sleeping bag. She LOVED doing this.


The Johnsons said...

Wow - Monica has grown up seriously since I last saw her! Could that be the same little "Moo"?

Queen of Dirt said...

Did Lori tell you....that's what we called Grandpa's sister.

Lori O. said...

Wow,so you think the Aunty LoLo thing is going to stick? We need to think of a good one for Terri and Cheryl too.