Wednesday, July 28, 2010


There is a serious lack of decent photographic evidence of the three days worth of Apricot preservation. I apologize profusely, but it was difficult enough to complete the task at hand, let alone, snap pictures at every move!
The raw material... with Bitty trying to poke holes or manhandle them.

Trudi tossing in jars for processing.

A quart jar, jam packed with apricots, still needs syrup...

We also made a lot of very delicious jam.

I am quite annoyed that I don't have a single decent picture. My mom came down to help, Trudi was our hostess, and there's nary a photo of my children, mom, or ma-in-law (except the one above). We had lots of fun and some really cute moments and I wish had energy/opportunity/forethought to take photos, but as I stated in the last post - Berserkers Bitty was making things a tad rough.

I won't give details, because really who gives a rat's you know what if my kid pees & poops in the toilet - additionally, the details are probably TMI & gross anyway - HOWEVER, this toilet training business has me at wit's end. :)

Long story short. We canned & jammed, it's delicious and I am grateful to Trudi for being such a sport. Can't wait for fall and winter, when it's time to reap the fruits of my labor, that must be where that saying comes from, eh?


Lori O. said...

Apricots my most favorite fruit, i had a apricot tree in backyard on Cherry St. When you read that is sounds a bit funny ! Great work , how many time do you get up during the night?

Brian and Staci said...

oooh and jealous! I don't think I have even eaten an apricot this year...sad! Don't worry about the pics there will be many more years of apricot canning!

Gammy said...

Thanks for all the compliments. I love looking at what we have accomplished and my beloved little darlings. You have returned me to being a "Holly Homemaker." It's great fun and oh the fruits of our labor are well worth it!